Helping Families Navigate Special Needs with Peace of Mind

We provide IEP/504 advocacy services, parent coaching, coaching for adolescents and young adults with disabilities, training and special events for parents and young adults with disabilities to ensure successful futures for neurodiverse children and young adults.




You Don't Have To Figure It Out By Yourself

We are here to guide you through the special needs process with as much or as little support as you'd like. We provide parents with support from the time that you notice that your child is different or struggling in school or through adulthood. You no longer have to guess what to do next. You no longer have to feel embarrassed because you just don't know. We have been where you are; we know!

I Need Help Now

You Don't Have To Be Frustrated

Having a child with a disability does not come with a manual. It seems like there are challenges and objections at every turn. Is the school not helping your child? Are you struggling to find help fir your young adult with a disability? Is there always a roadblock? We can provide you with support, expert advice, and coaching. Not only are we professionals, but we are parents of children (and young adults children) with disabilities and can understand what you are going through. We have many answers readily available, and some we don't have, but we can walk with you every step of the way to ensure that your child has the best outcomes possible in their education, employment, and independent living.


You Don't Have To Feel Alone

No one in your circle understands you. We get it! We've been there. This is why we have created a community for parents just like you. We understand what you are going through.  Join our Community! We provide group coaching, along with a community to build relationships and network, for parents of children with disabilities, and for young adults ages 18-28. We provide a variety of coaching, support, resources, and training. Should you prefer one on one coaching and support, we have that too! 

Schedule My Consultation Now

I'm So Glad You're Here!

Not only am I a veteran special educator with over 16 years of experience in special education, but I am also a mom! I have spent over two decades searching for, and when I could not find, developing systems and strategies that worked for my son with autism, for me, for our family, and for my son's future. As a working mom, I searched for years, to no avail, for resources that would simplify our complex lives. Now, I am a special needs advocate and coach whose passion and research have aided in great success for the families I've served. After having worked in public education and navigating the special needs journey with my now adult son who has autism, I decided to empower parents by helping them navigate the world of having a child with special needs. I recognize that families of children with differences or disabilities struggle with figuring out the various aspects of life in this matrix from education, transitioning to adulthood, employment, community, independent living, and more...And we are here to help parents navigate this journey. We understand that not only does your child need support, but you do to...And we are here to help you navigate this journey and meet your and your child's unique needs.

I use my experience working in public education and my own personal struggles and successes to help people just like you navigate the 'disability matrix' with courage, confidence, clarity, and peace of mind. 

Dr. Dannette Taylor,

Founder - Serva Educational Solutions, LLC 

"Working with Dr. Dannette has changed my life. In only 1 week, I feel more confident and knowledgeable about my child's disability."

- Valerie J.

"Last year, I was frustrated and didn't know where to start to help my son. I had lots of resources, but no blueprint of where to start and exactly how to help him. Thanks to Serva and Dr. Dannette, I’m now on track and can help my son without being frustrated."

- Latasha W.

"From feeling alone and helpless to having people in my corner that understand what I am going through. Thank you Dr. Dannette!"

- Crystal N.